Function: RegexGet
Function: RegexGet

Function: RegexGet

RegexGet ( REGEX, STRING )

Finds the first matching substring that matches the provided RegEx and returns it.


Parameter Type Description
REGEX VALUE(STRING) The RegEx pattern to use.
STRING VALUE(STRING) The string to scan.

Returns (one of the following)

VALUE(STRING) The first matching substring.
VALUE(BOOLEAN) FALSE if a match is not found.

What It Does

This function uses the provided RegEx pattern to find the first matching substring in the provided input string. This returns the contents of the match as a string if a matching substring is found, and FALSE if nothing was matched. Both parameters are interpreted as strings before the scan.

If the RegEx pattern provided is an invalid or unparseable expression, this function will throw a FATAL cue and halt the module. To avoid this, you may want to pre-check the validity of the expressions you use with IsRegex().


RegEx Function Example

        textln(isRegex(`asdf\s\+`));	                // true
        textln(isRegex(`\`));			                // false
        s = "Apples and Oranges! 12345.67890";
        textln(regexFind(`[A-Za-z]+`, s));              // 0
        textln(regexFind(`[0-9]+`, s));                 // 20

        textln(regexFindLast(`[A-Za-z]+`, s));          // 11
        textln(regexFindLast(`[0-9]+`, s));             // 26

        textln(regexGet(`[A-Za-z]+`, s));               // "Apples"
        textln(regexGet(`[0-9]+`, s));                  // "12345"

        textln(regexGetLast(`[A-Za-z]+`, s));           // "Oranges"
        textln(regexGetLast(`[0-9]+`, s));              // "67890"

        textln(regexGetAll(`[A-Za-z]+`, s));            // ["Apples", "and", "Oranges"]
        textln(regexGetAll(`[0-9]+`, s));               // ["12345", "67890"]

        textln(regexMatches(`[A-Za-z]+`, s));           // false
        textln(regexMatches(`[A-Za-z]+`, "Apples"));    // true

        textln(regexSplit(`[\s]+`, s));                // ["Apples", "and", "Oranges!", "12345.67890"]
        textln(regexSplit(`[\s!\.]+`, s));            // ["Apples", "and", "Oranges", "12345", "67890"]

        textln(regexReplace(`[\s]+`, "", s));          // "ApplesandOranges!12345.67890"
        textln(regexReplace(`[\s!\.]+`, "==", s));    // "Apples==and==Oranges==12345==67890"


Additional Technical Notes

Note that when passing a literal string to this function, the backslash \ character is important in RegEx, so any use of it as part of the expression should be escaped: \\. For this reason, it may be better for readability's sake to use raw strings, like in the example above.

All RegExes in TAME are considered case-sensitive and match globally (the entirety of the input string used with it is potentially examined).

There are several resources on RegEx out there, such as and and a more interactive example at


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