Parameter | Type | Description |
PLAYER | PLAYER | The player whose room stack will change. |
NEWROOM | ROOM | The room to set as the current room. |
Returns nothing. Cannot be used in expressions.
This function clears a specific player's room stack and sets its current room (which becomes the topmost room) to the provided room. From the moment that this function is executed, all functions and operations that use the current room (provided that its associated player is also current) will use the one provided until another call to SetRoom() (or the other room-changing functions) changes it again.
The Room Stack is the mechanism by which TAME determines or maintains the current room per player. As the name implies, this is maintained by a structure called a stack.
The author can change what rooms each player is in (including the current player) by calling the different functions that manipulate this stack: SetRoom(), PushRoom(), PopRoom(), and SwapRoom(), each of which perform different stack operations.
Rooms are not exclusively owned like objects - more than one player can have the same room in their stack, and a room can be in a single player's room stack more than once. Just be careful if you, the author, choose to allow this: you should properly convey what room the current player is currently in at all times!
action modal a_go named "go" uses modes "north", "south", "west", "east";
action transitive a_examine named "look at", "examine", "x";
action general a_quit named "quit";
action general a_look; // queued every action.
action general a_roomcheck; // queued every action.
room r_northroom;
room r_southroom;
room r_westroom;
room r_eastroom;
room r_centerroom
textln("You are in the center room.");
textln("Ways out are north, south, east, or west.");
onModalAction(a_go, "north")
setRoom(player, r_northroom);
onModalAction(a_go, "south")
setRoom(player, r_southroom);
onModalAction(a_go, "west")
setRoom(player, r_westroom);
onModalAction(a_go, "east")
setRoom(player, r_eastroom);
extend room r_northroom
textln("You are in the north room.");
textln("The way out is south.");
onModalAction(a_go, "south")
setRoom(player, r_centerroom);
extend room r_southroom
textln("You are in the south room.");
textln("The way out is north.");
onModalAction(a_go, "north")
setRoom(player, r_centerroom);
extend room r_westroom
textln("You are in the west room.");
textln("The way out is east.");
onModalAction(a_go, "east")
setRoom(player, r_centerroom);
extend room r_eastroom
textln("You are in the east room.");
textln("The way out is west.");
onModalAction(a_go, "west")
setRoom(player, r_centerroom);
player p_main
if (currentRoomIs(this, r_centerroom))
textln("Whoa. This is my favorite room!");
textln("GO where? (Need a compass direction)");
textln("Can't go that way.");
setRoom(p_main, r_centerroom);
setPlayer(p_main); // from this moment on, this is the "player" keyword.
textln("Type \"quit\" to quit, \"go\" and a compass direction to move between rooms.");
queue a_look;
queue a_look;
queue a_roomcheck;
Since rooms are a "state" structure, you can use them for non-room things like conversations:
// Actions
action modal a_go named "go" uses modes "north", "south", "west", "east";
action transitive a_examine named "look at", "examine", "x";
action transitive a_talkto named "talk to";
action general a_quit named "quit";
// Conversation Actions
action transitive a_talkabout named "talk about";
action general a_leave named "back", "leave";
// "Hidden" Actions
action general a_look; // queued every action.
action general a_roomcheck; // queued every action.
// ================== Topics (as objects) =======================
object archetype o_topic;
object ot_sports : o_topic named "sports";
object ot_music : o_topic named "music";
object ot_movies : o_topic named "movies";
object ot_dogs : o_topic named "dogs";
// ===================== All about Bob ==========================
room convo_bob
onAction(a_look) {} // Do nothing on "look".
// If "in" the conversation, this block will be hit instead of the player fallback.
textln("You cease talking to Bob.");
popRoom(player); // Go back to where you were.
onActionWith(a_talkabout, ot_sports)
textln("Bob says, \"Oh yeah! I love sports!\"");
onActionWith(a_talkabout, ot_movies)
textln("Bob says, \"Heck yeah! I love movies!\"");
onActionWith(a_talkabout, ot_dogs)
textln("Bob says, \"Oh man, I love dogs! They're adorable!\"");
// Omitting "music"
onActionWithAncestor(a_talkabout, o_topic)
textln("Bob says, \"I dunno much about that.\"");
textln("That's not a topic of conversation.");
object o_bob named "Bob"
textln("That's Bob. He likes to talk about things (\"TALK TO\" him).");
textln("You are now talking to Bob. (TALK ABOUT sports, movies, music, or dogs. You can LEAVE the conversation, too)");
pushRoom(player, convo_bob); // Keep current room for "leave".
textln("Bob is here.");
// ======================== Actual Rooms ==========================
room r_bedroom; // Prototyped due to early use in r_livingroom
room r_livingroom
giveObject(this, o_bob);
textln("You are in the living room.");
textln("North goes to the bedroom.");
onModalAction(a_go, "north")
setRoom(player, r_bedroom);
extend room r_bedroom
textln("You are in the bedroom.");
textln("South goes to the living room.");
onModalAction(a_go, "south")
setRoom(player, r_livingroom);
player p_main
// add topics (so that they are always accessible to the player).
giveObject(this, ot_sports);
giveObject(this, ot_movies);
giveObject(this, ot_music);
giveObject(this, ot_dogs);
if (!currentRoomIs(this, r_livingroom) && playerHasRoomInStack(this, r_livingroom))
textln("(NOTE: You are still \"in\" the living room, but can't access things in it - \"TALK TO BOB\" will not work)");
textln("You can't go that way.");
textln("TALK TO what?");
textln("I can't TALK TO that.");
textln("TALK ABOUT what?");
textln("You must be conversing with somebody to TALK ABOUT things.");
textln("You're not in a conversation.");
setRoom(p_main, r_bedroom);
setPlayer(p_main); // from this moment on, this is the "player" keyword.
textln("Type \"quit\" to quit, \"go\" and a compass direction to move between rooms.");
textln("Examine things with \"look at\" or \"examine\".");
queue a_look;
queue a_roomcheck;
queue a_look;
queue a_roomcheck;
PushRoom() — Adds a room onto a player's room stack, preserving the previous rooms on the stack.
PopRoom() — Removes the topmost room from a player's room stack.
SwapRoom() — Changes the topmost room on a player's room stack, preserving the rest of the stack.
PlayerHasRoomInStack() — Checks if a room is in a player's room stack.
CurrentRoomIs() — Checks the topmost room on a player's room stack against another room.
NoCurrentRoom() — Checks if a player is not in any room.