TAMEScript Operators
TAMEScript Operators

TAMEScript Operators

The following operators are used in expressions in TAMEScript to calculate values. They also have a set precedence outlined in a table at the end of this page.

Some operators requires only one operand (unary), and others require two (binary), and one is used as an if-else branch.

Unary Operators

Logical Not!

Binary Operators

Binary Operators (Logical)

Short-Circuit And&&
Short-Circuit Or||

Ternary Operators

Ternary Operator? :

Operator Precedence

Operators have a built-in precedence when used without parenthesis to affect order of operations. From highest to lowest, this is the precedence for all of TAME's operators (same line has equal precedence).

( )
(unary operators) - ! +
* / %
+ -
< <= > >=
== != === !==
(ternary operator) ? :

It is also worth noting that the power operator (**) is right-associative - the right side is evaluated first, if more power operators are used successively (e.g. 6 ** 3 ** 2: 3 ** 2 is evaluated first).


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