OnModalAction Block
OnModalAction Block

OnModalAction Block

OnModalAction ( ACTION, STRING )

A block that describes what to do when a modal action needs handling.

Valid on Elements


ACTION A modal action. The action that this block handles.
STRING The action's mode. The specific mode that this block handles, interpreted from the input.

When it is Called

The onModalAction() block is called when a modal action needs to be handled. A valid onModalAction() block for the associated action and mode is resolved on the current room, then player, then the world.

If that does not exist, TAME looks for onUnhandledAction() blocks to call (on the current player, if any, and then the world).

Inheritance rules apply when searching for callable blocks, always!

If this block is executed, it counts as a "successful command", so this will execute the afterSuccessfulCommand() block after the initial action handling and queued actions.


OnModalAction Example

action general a_quit named "quit";
action general a_look;

action modal a_go named "go", "move", "travel" uses modes "west", "north", "east", "south";

// Room prototypes.
room r_west;
room r_east;
room r_north;
room r_south;

room r_center
		textln("This looks like the center room.");
		textln("I can go west, east, north, or south.");
	onModalAction(a_go, "west")
		setRoom(player, r_west);
	onModalAction(a_go, "east")
		setRoom(player, r_east);
	onModalAction(a_go, "south")
		setRoom(player, r_south);
	onModalAction(a_go, "north")
		setRoom(player, r_north);

extend room r_west
		textln("This looks like the west room.");
		textln("I can go east.");
	onModalAction(a_go, "east")
		setRoom(player, r_center);

extend room r_east
		textln("This looks like the east room.");
		textln("I can go west.");
	onModalAction(a_go, "west")
		setRoom(player, r_center);

extend room r_north
		textln("This looks like the north room.");
		textln("I can go south.");
	onModalAction(a_go, "south")
		setRoom(player, r_center);

extend room r_south
		textln("This looks like the south room.");
		textln("I can go north.");
	onModalAction(a_go, "north")
		setRoom(player, r_center);

player p_main
		textln("Can't go that way.");
		textln("I need to GO a compass direction.");
		textln("Type \"go\" and \"west\", \"east\", \"south\", or \"north\" to move around.");


		setRoom(p_main, r_center);
		textln("Type \"go\" and \"west\", \"east\", \"south\", or \"north\" to move around.");
		textln("Type \"quit\".");
		queue a_look;
		queue a_look;

See Also

OnAction() — Called to handle an action with another object, or a general action on the current player or room.
OnUnhandledAction() — Called if a command is valid, but an action is unhandled.

Additional Technical Notes

The onModalAction() block is context sensitive involving the current player or the current room. This is assessed when finding the relevant block to execute for the current action being processed. This will affect program flow if rooms and players change.


Modal Header